Our Mission
Welcome All
God loves everybody. Whether you’ve been in church your whole life, or if you’re still unsure about this whole God/Jesus thing, God loves you and welcomes you. At St John’s, as flawed humans we try our best to follow Jesus’ example to welcome all.
Tell the Story
We believe that God is writing a story in our world--a story of love, grace and hope. This isn’t a gift that we receive and keep for ourselves, it’s our calling to share it with our world. As we share the story of what God is doing in our world, we believe that it strengthens each one of us and encourages others in their journey.
Grow As Disciples
We are disciples, which means, "student." “Follow me” is the call of Jesus the disciples heard time and again in the Gospels. The journey of discipleship is life-long learning and nurtured by scripture, the sacraments and practices of faith (worship, prayer, confession, service, etc).
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learn more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Check out our full discipleship map.